Bethel Church Ripon

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Day 396: Longing for more - 1 Peter 1 vs 22 – 2 vs 3

22 You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters.  Love each other deeply with all your heart. 23 For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.  24-25 As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass;  their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. But the word of the Lord remains forever.” And that word is the Good News that was preached to you.

2 vs 1 So get rid of all evil behaviour. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. 2  Like new-born babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. 3 Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness. 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 New Living Translation paraphrase (English Standard Version link)

For some people, conversion is a very exciting experience. For many other it's less dramatic, especially those who were brought up in a Christian home. But whether it was dramatic or not, it is always the start of a new journey. What does Peter say is the next step for a new Christian? (vs 22)

They need to respond to the lifestyle of genuine love that God has brought them into. Notice too that it was not a half hearted love that Peter was calling them to. What are the things that will need getting rid of for our love to be genuine? (2 vs1)

Those words all describe the self cantered and self seeking attitudes that are common in the world. They flow from people who love themselves rather than others. Remember, Peter was writing to people who had been converted from very different backgrounds and cultures. Some were rich and from 'upper classes', others were poor and from tough neighbourhoods. Some had been Jews, others had been gentiles. Some were even slaves while others were owners of slaves. So the love Christians are called to is one that shatters social and racial barriers. The University professor doesn't look down on the farm labourer. Men don't see women as inferior.

The reason why Christians are called to love one another, says Peter, is, firstly, because they have been cleansed (purified) from the sins that used to dominate their lives (vs 22) – and they have been born into a new life, one which will endure through eternity. (vs 23) They've made a fresh start - now they need to build on what happened to them at conversion. From the section above, what would you say was not only how the new life began, but also how it can grow?

It is through the eternal word of God. The God whose word brought creation into being is the same God whose words bring eternal life to those who were lost and dying in sin and shame. Verse 22 says they were saved when they 'obeyed the truth' that was told to them. And verses 2-3 of Chapter 2 use the picture of a new born child's need of a mother's milk to describe how new born Christians (and older ones too!) need the nourishment that comes through God's eternal word. What does vs 3 say our attitude should be to God's message?

If we've had a taste of God's kindness in bringing us salvation – we should eagerly want to know more! There are some lovely words in Psalm 34 which describe what Peter said here. The Psalm writer wrote: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.” Psalm 34:8-9

Conversion is only the start of the journey. A true believer will always want to grow through God's word and taste more of God's kindness, and to grow in their love for God's people.