Bethel Church Ripon

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Day 866: An awesome responsibilty - Hebrews 13 vs 16 – 19

16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. 18-19 Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honourably in all things. I urge you the more earnestly to do this in order that I may be restored to you the sooner. Hebrews 13:16-19 English Standard Version

As he drew towards the end of his letter to Hebrew Christians, the writer urged them to do things which would be pleasing to God. He said “let brotherly love continue, and don't neglect to show hospitality to strangers”. He also urged them to “remember fellow believers who were in prison”. He said that “marriage should be held in honour among them, and that they should keep their lives free from love of money”. He also wrote that they should “remember their leaders who spoke the word of God to them, and to not be led away by diverse and strange teachings”. All of this was part of worshipping God in an acceptable way. Worship isn't a ritual – it's a daily lifestyle.

What are the three things he urges them to do in today's verses?

He calls them to share with others, to obey their leaders, and to pray for him, and for others like him who were spreading the gospel in the world. I think those three things are connected. While we should be willing to share with any Christian who is in genuine need, it's often those in 'full time' service who most need our support. Missionaries today depend on generous support from others. And those who are in the front line of gospel work need our prayers – especially that they may continue to serve ‘with a clear conscience’. I suspect Satan does all he can to tempt such people into sin. They also need our prayers when faced with difficult situations. But what is the biggest reason why those in leadership should be supported, obeyed, and prayed for? (vs 17)

Not only have they been entrusted with keeping watch over the souls of Christ's followers - but they are called to do so as people who will have to give an account to the Chief Shepherd for their labours. What an awesome responsibility that is! No wonder he urges believers to help their leaders to do such work with joy, and not with groaning. What do you think could be some reasons for leaders to groan?

I suspect there are many. Perhaps he already hinted at some of the things that would make leaders groan in what he has been calling these Christians to do. Those who are watching over the souls of Christ's followers will grieve when brotherly love is not being shown, and when Christians are more focused on themselves than the needs of others. They groan when they hear of a Christian who has been unfaithful in marriage, or who is unwilling to take advice on how the marriage can be saved. They groan when they see Christians being caught up in greed and worldliness. And they groan deeply when they see believers being influenced and led astray by teaching that is not from God's word. There's a lot of that happening in our generation.

Being a faithful shepherd of God's flock is not an easy task. The Bible calls followers of Christ 'saints' not because we are so saintly – but because we have, in grace, been set apart as God's children. Sadly, we often have a lot of baggage that still needs dealing with after conversion. We can be argumentative, prayerless, critical, and selfish. All of these things would cause those who are faithfully seeking to keep watch over our souls to groan.

Not everyone in church leadership today needs financial support as many also have a full time secular job. But they do need our prayers, and our willingness to work with them and not against them. They have a huge responsibility and will probably face Satan's attacks more than other believers. They need our prayers that they will be able to act honourably in all things.