Day 10: Where did it all begin? Micah 1 vs 8-16

Therefore, I will mourn and lament. I will walk around barefoot and naked. I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl. For my people’s wound is too deep to heal. It has reached into Judah, even to the gates of Jerusalem.

10 Don’t tell our enemies in Gath; don’t weep at all. You people in Beth-leaphrah, roll in the dust to show your despair. 11 You people in Shaphir, go as captives into exile—naked and ashamed. The people of Zaanan dare not come outside their walls. The people of Beth-ezel mourn, for their house has no support. 12 The people of Maroth anxiously wait for relief, but only bitterness awaits them as the Lord’s judgment reaches even to the gates of Jerusalem.

13 Harness your chariot horses and flee, you people of Lachish. You were the first city in Judah to follow Israel in her rebellion, and you led Jerusalem into sin. 14 Send farewell gifts to Moresheth-gath; there is no hope of saving it. The town of Aczib has deceived the kings of Israel. 15 O people of Mareshah, I will bring a conqueror to capture your town.
And the leaders of Israel will go to Adullam.
16 Oh, people of Judah, shave your heads in sorrow, for the children you love will be snatched away. Make yourselves as bald as a vulture, for your little ones will be exiled to distant lands. Micah 1 vs 8-16 New Living Translation

These verses probably sound confusing! There’s a long list of towns and cities with foreign names. and God’s prophet Micah has torn off his clothes! But what we see is the deep grief he felt because a terrible judgement of God was coming upon Israel from the north to the south.(vs 8-9). He was distressed for the things that he describes in vs 16 that will happen to them. As Christians we also should be sad as we think of God’s coming judgement upon sinners who will not repent.

Micah describes how enemy armies were going to sweep from town to town until they even reached Jerusalem itself. He used words in the Hebrew language which had a similar meaning to the names of the towns to describe their fate. For example, the town of Zaanon means to “come out” (vs 11). So Micah says that when God’s judgement came, they would no longer “come out”. In other words, many of them would be dead. A big lesson here is that sinners will discover one day that the things they loved do will become a burden and a curse to them.

Vs 13 is also a warning. It says that in some way the town of Lachish had been the “beginning” of the southern kingdom’s sinful ways. They led others into sin! The only thing worse than doing wrong ourselves is when we lead other people into doing wrong too.

Sin always begins somewhere. James 1:14 speaks of how our desires for things which entice us will drag us down and lead to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow it leads to death.

What was the beginning of things that you know are wrong in your life? today Was it friends, or family, or entertainments? Ask God today to help you to “nip sin in the bud”. To help you to stop giving in to those desires which lead to sinful actions.

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