Day 34: Dare to speak the truth - Micah 3 vs 8-12.

8 “But as for me, I am filled with power - with the Spirit of the Lord. I am filled with justice and strength to boldly declare Israel’s sin and rebellion.

9-11 Listen to me, you leaders of Israel! You hate justice and twist all that is right. You are building Jerusalem on a foundation of murder and corruption. You rulers make decisions based on bribes; you priests teach God’s laws only for a price; you prophets won’t prophesy unless you are paid. Yet all of you claim to depend on the Lord. You say: 'No harm can come to us for the Lord is here among us.' 12 Because of you, Mount Zion will be ploughed like an open field; Jerusalem will be reduced to ruins! A thicket will grow on the heights where the Temple now stands!” Micah 3: 8-12 New Living Translation.

Verse 8 sounds like Micah was boasting, but he wasn't. God had given him the tough job of telling the prophets of that day what God really thought of them. God said: “You false prophets are leading my people astray. You promise peace for those who give you food, but you declare war on those who refuse to feed you!” (Micah 3:5) Now, in contrast to the false prophets, Micah describes what a true prophet is like. What does vs 8 tell us a true messenger of the Lord sometimes has to do?

The nation's leaders of Micah's day were building Jerusalem on murders and corruption. Looking at vs 9-11, what specific wrongs does he accuse the rulers, the priests, and the prophets, of doing?

Yet even though they were disobeying God so brazenly, what did they say about God? (vs 11) Does that sound a bit like the world today? Sins can become so common in society that people assume God must be ok with how they live. Many believe that, at the end of the day, everyone goes to heaven. But what did Micah tell them in vs 12?

Micah's message would’ve sounded outrageous. They would have called it 'hate speech'. Can you think of parts of the Bible people hate to hear today? Many can't stand being told the Bible speaks of hell. Others hate that it teaches marriage is for a man and a woman, and that they should be faithful to each other. Some hate hearing that only Jesus can save sinners, and accuse us of discriminating against other religions. Sharing God's message truthfully won't make us popular. But keep in mind the following:

First, the Holy Spirit will empower us, as He did for Micah, to speak the truth! Secondly, speaking the truth is the greatest love we can show anyone. Proverbs 27 vs 6 says: “Wounds from a sincere friend - are better than many kisses from an enemy.” Ask God for the strength to be faithful rather than popular whenever you have an opportunity to share His message. Don’t kiss people with false words as the prophets of Micah’s day were doing.

MicahChris NelComment