Day 144: Where Wisdom will be found. - Proverbs 8 vs 12 - 21

12 “I, wisdom, live with understanding, and I find much learning and careful thinking.  13 The fear of the Lord is to hate what is sinful. I hate pride, self-love, the way of sin, and lies.  14-16 I have teaching and wisdom. I have understanding and power. By me kings rule and rulers make laws that are fair. By me rulers rule, and all the princes rule on the earth. 

17 I love those who love me, and those who look for me with much desire will find me. 18-19 Riches and honour are mine, lasting riches and being right with God.  My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold. What I give is better than fine silver.  20-21 I walk in the way that is right with God, in the centre of the ways that are fair.  I give riches to those who love me, and fill their store-houses. Proverbs 8:12-21 New Life Version (Link to English Standard Version)

Many of us have probably known people who are associated with where one will most likely find them. Some, most likely, have 'gone fishing'. Others will be in a pub. Some will be hiking, and others at a movie. In each case though, we know where we will most likely find them. In these verses the writer is speaking about a wisdom that can make our lives truly worthwhile and meaningful. He treats wisdom as a person who, in vs 17, says: “I love those who love me, and those who look for me with much desire will find me.” And, just as we know where some people are most likely to be found, so vs 12-21 tell us of where true wisdom will be found. But first, what do vs 14-16 tell us that this wisdom results in?

The wisdom that comes from God enables rulers to make laws that are fair. That's why Christians are encouraged to pray for them. 1 Timothy 2:2 says: “Pray for kings and all others who are in power over us so we might live quiet God-like lives in peace.” That would include asking God to give them wisdom. What else does wisdom lead to? (vs 18-19)

It leads to true riches – especially the treasure of being ‘right with God’! Jesus pointed this out when He said: “Don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal - but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” (Matthew 6 vs 19 & 33) God's wisdom teaches our heart what is the most precious treasure of all. So where will we find Wisdom? The starting place is in vs 12. What does it tell us?

Just as people often hang out in a crowd of familiar friends, so Wisdom keeps company with learning and careful thinking. (Another translation says 'knowledge and discretion.') The point is that Wisdom is not found by hanging around with foolish people who have little discernment. So vs 13 goes on to explain the sort of company Wisdom avoids. What sort of people are those?

Remember, this chapter isn’t talking about our readiness to mix with sinners in order to tell them about God's grace and mercy in Christ. That's important for Christians. But it's dealing here with someone who is looking for God's wisdom that will lead them to His true riches. And part of that search involves avoiding the company of arrogant and self-centred people who have no problem with telling lies. What road are we most likely to find Wisdom walking on according to vs 20-21?

Another translation puts it as: “I walk in the way of righteousness - in the paths of justice.” Wisdom will be found in the company of people who love God's teachings and honest decisions. And, like Wisdom, we too should go to the places where righteous people gather. But probably the biggest key to finding God's wisdom is in vs 17 itself. What would that be?

Wisdom will only be found by those who desire her deeply and look for her with diligence. (The writer was speaking to his son and in vs 1-11 had spoken of Wisdom as a woman. She was the opposite of the promiscuous women he warned his son against in Chapter 7). But the point is, God's wisdom is something we need to long for with all our heart. It's not something we add to our 'wish list', amongst many other things. It must be a priority above all else. And those who find God's wisdom soon find that all the other needs of their life are met as well.

ProverbsChris NelComment