Day 579: Rescue the perishing - Proverbs 24 vs 7 - 12

7 Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth. 8-9 Whoever plans to do evil will be called a schemer. The devising (scheming) of folly is sin, and the scoffer is an abomination to mankind.

10 If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. 11-12 Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this”, does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work? Proverbs 24:7-12 (English Standard Version)

Truth sometimes needs to be stated bluntly - as in vs 7. The 'gate' in those days was a place where the wise gathered for conversation, legal transactions took place, and even judgements were passed. Foolish people soon learned it was better not to speak! Sadly, I think this is no longer the case. The live debates we see from many a Parliament or Senate often reveal a lot of foolish talk. And when wisdom is lacking, then what vs 8-9 describe is often the result. While he's talking of people in general, it's also true of many in authority. Schemes are devised and legislation is passed that make a mockery of God's laws. What's a possible danger when that happens? (vs 10)

In our personal lives, but also in the life of nations, there will come times of adversity. There will be testing times. Situations can arise that will require courage to deal with. And the danger is that we may not be strong enough to face them. It could be that we lack the physical strength, but sometimes it may be that we lack courage and moral fibre. Can you see how vs 11-12 could be describing such a situation?

The writer speaks of people whose lives were in danger. He pictures them as stumbling along the way as they were being led to slaughter. We're not told who these people were but the implication is that they did not deserve to die. But what did those who were 'not willing to get involved' in rescuing the helpless say?

They made the excuse of 'not knowing' what was going on. They professed ignorance. The writer, however, says that such an excuse is not good enough. He reminds us that God knows our heart. Not only knows our heart – but weighs them! It's as if He puts them on His scale to see whether they measure up to His truth and righteousness. It's obviously just a picture – but, if I can play on the word, it's a weighty one!

We live in a world where there will always be people in need of compassion because of the cruelty of others. Sadly, even as Christians, we may turn a blind eye to what is going on and pretend we didn't know. Isn't that what happened in the days when Africans were packed below decks on slave ships and transported around the world? It took a courageous struggle by men like William Wilberforce and others to call attention to the cruelty taking place. I wonder where we would have stood in those days? Would we have had the courage to side with those who were calling for an end to such a lucrative trade?

What about another cruelty that is rife in our generation? I'm thinking of the abortion industry. It may not be identical to the picture in vs 11-12, but it is still a great slaughter. Has it burdened our conscience? Have we done what we could, even if it was just earnest prayer, to rescue children in the womb? I don't say this to condemn anyone who reads this because I know I haven't taken the matter as much to heart as I ought to have. There's an important case currently being heard in the Supreme Court of the USA that could result in a big step forward in protecting the unborn. A final verdict may not be made before June 2022. But it's an opportunity for us to pray that a nation's conscience will be awakened to the plight of those being taken away to death.

ProverbsChris NelComment